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What is Naturopathy?

In naturopathy, the clinician’s sole intention is to find the cause of a patient’s complaint, to educate and empower them to understand their health manifestation, and to support their presentation with a natural means of treatment. As naturopaths, we offer a unique approach to health that encourages self-responsibility and involvement in the healing process while providing support and relief for patients.

Our prescriptions are gentle and restorative. We encourage the body’s innate healing abilities to achieve balance and harmony within the body.

Each of the naturopathic prescriptions are individualised, taking into account the unique contributions of each patient’s state of imbalance.

The starting point for improved nutrition is the diet, either in terms of modification to patients existing habitual eating patterns or with the application of a short-term dietary therapy. Detoxification or an elimination and challenge period as a diagnostic tool for food allergy or intolerance.


Herbal Treatment

Being a Naturopath, I believe that every person is unique, therefore diagnosis and treatment will always be individualised. The task of working with herbal blends is to assess each person’s potential for good health by supporting areas of weakness and enable you to function optimally within your limits. For thousands of years native plants have been used as medicine which is why during one of our chats we may explore the option of herbs to help you along your journey to better health. They can truly help to speed up the healing process and ultimately drive you to your end goal.


Iridology is the study of health through an examination of the colour and structure of your iris, sclera and pupil. No two irises are the same and every iris is as unique as your fingerprint. It has an amazing connection to every organ and tissue in your body by way of your nervous system. Iridologists assess colour and fibre structure variations to assess the strength of your physical body, as aspects of personality (which can be influenced by your conscious and emotional patterns). It is also important to understand that iridology is not so much a treatment but a tool to help detect individual problems which will be influenced in the way you eat, drink, think, live and love. This amazing service is built into each of your visits with me.

Urine Testing (Urinalysis)

A non-invasive way to test for a whole range of diagnoses is through urinalysis. The method is simple, fast and super easy to use which involves dipping a plastic strip into your urine. These strips have a number of pads that change colour according to specific chemical reactions. Results are then read off this strip by comparing it to a chart that shows levels of substances in urine, depending on the colour change that occurred. A variety of substances including protein, glucose, bilirubin, blood and pH may be investigated at one time. Yes, this is also included in your Initial Consultation with me!


Initial Consultation 
60 minutes | $139 

An in-depth discussion surrounding your health history, current concerns, diet and lifestyle. Includes Iridology, urine testing, program creation and herbal prescription for the ultimate tailored outcome.


Follow Up Visit
30 minutes | $89

A return visit 1-2 weeks after your initial consultation is recommended for your Naturopath to review your progress, changes discussed in your initial consultation and any concerns you may have. This session may also involve tweaking in your program if necessary. Follow up visits is what you will also pay as a return client for all future appointments. If it has been longer then 12 months since your last visit, an initial consultation may be required again.